Canfield High School
A Welcome Back Message from Canfield High School PTA
To volunteer for Canfield PTA sponsored events, your household must become a member of Canfield PTA. Once you are a member, you are encouraged to sign up for volunteer opportunities specific to CHS. Joining PTA and signing up for volunteer opportunies are all being done through our new online system, MemberHub. Click Join PTA to be redirected there.
You chose the level of involvement that is right for you and your schedule. Whether you have time during the day or in the evening, every week or once a year, we will gladly find something for you! Your involvement makes a difference!
In order to fund the numerous events Canfield PTA sponsors including senior scholarships, student appreciation treats, staff appreciation week, academic awards, and senior artwork, we coordinate and paint cardinal heads on driveways etc. throughout the community. If you are interested in supporting this fundraiser, please reach out to one of the executive team at the high school We hope you will support any way you can!
If have questions, please feel free to contact a member of the Canfield High School PTA executive team.
2024-2025 Contacts
Vice President, CHS
Julie Kwaiser-Miller
Co-Chair, CHS
Megan Brown
Co-Chair, CHS
Melanie Gaffney