Canfield Village Middle School

A Welcome Back Message from CVMS PTA

To volunteer for Canfield PTA sponsored events, your household (includes those who live in the same house) must become a member of Canfield PTA. Once you are a member, you are encouraged to sign up for volunteer opportunities specific to Canfield Village Middle School via Join Hubs under Canfield Village Middle School.

If you are interested in learning more about each Committee Hub volunteer opportunity prior to joining any Hubs, please review packet found on the home page of this site. You chose the level of involvement that is right for you and your schedule. Whether you have time during the day or in the evening, every week or once a year, we will gladly find something for you! Your involvement makes a difference!

In order to fund the various events that Canfield PTA sponsors, we organize two fundraisers during the school year. These two fundraisers will occur in the Fall and in the Spring. These fundraisers will provide us with the means to support a variety of valuable activities and programs. We hope you will support these too!

2023-2024 Contacts

Vice President, CVMS
Deanna Johnson

Co-Chair, CVMS
Kelly Volovar

Co-Chair, CVMS
Susan Carsonie